Sunday, April 24, 2005

Tomorrow morning I'm going back to America for the summer, so no new posts until September when I come back to Belgium. Have a nice summer everyone! Heres a cute picture of me when I was just a little bit, what a skinny little thing I was!  Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I am SUCH a pig! Posted by Hello

Like my new outfit? I'm so stylish! It's pink velour and even has a hoodie! Heather and Smith brought it for me from California! Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Look how I lay so weird...I look like my paws were amputated! Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Mom got me these new treats called GREENIES. They're supposed to clean my teeth and freshen my breath...we'll see. Everytime I get a new treat I run all over the house lookng for the perfect place to chew, I usually end up here, under the dining room table. Posted by Hello

Monday, April 04, 2005

Inspiration... Posted by Hello

Since I can't go to the wedding what if I was the table numbers? Obviously it would be more professional than this, but how cute am I? Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 03, 2005

There are 2 parks where I usually go to do my business. This morning I went to the one near the horses, there are 3 that live here so maybe I'll see them later! Just looking for a good spot to pee right now...a little privacy please! Posted by Hello

Look who was out this morning! Sometimes I go really close to the fence and we sniff eachother, but I was a little anxious to get home and have some breakfast! Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Just looking out the window at the cars going by. The windowsill is my favorite place to sit.  Posted by Hello